Wednesday, April 22, 2009

thank you

thank you for forgetting our 26 month anniversary. I know to many of you it's not a big deal, but to me it is. Me & bibash don't celebrate our anniversaries like that only the big ones, but we always say "happy anniversary". Like I can not believe he forgot. Wait , actually , I can. that's what he's good at. Forgetting shit. Whatever. I think I'm done with him for good. Imma let him do his shit & imma do mine. I'll be back later.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

a lot of things

soooo, a lot of things have happened. Bibash & I argued yesterday. I over-reacted and cursed him out, oops ;/ butttt, it's his fault! ALLL OF IT I TELL YA! :D anywhoooooooo, I changed my header (:

Today was fun. I met up bibash, we went to steinwayy, shopped for a bit. Bought some things we both needed. I payed for his things since his birthday is coming up & he keeps telling me he doesn't want anything, he just wants to be able to spend time with me on his birthday -_-. So I already decided what I'm doing for his birthday.

We're going to meet-up in the morning. Around 9ish. Go to a hotel :D :D I won't say which one because I don't need you losers stalking me :D I KID I KID! Anyways. then after all that good stuff, I'm going to take him out to dinnger. Afghani Kebab because he loves it there. I was going to take him to Olive Garden, but decided against it because he'd rather have that Afghani food, which btw is very yummmyyy.

I'm procrastinating right now "/ I should be doing my essay -_____- but it's suuuuchhh a drag! Buttt I promise I shall finish it today because tomorrow I'm going to enjoy my day. It's the last day of vacay. But in a certain light, I'm looking forward to school. It should go by fast. Hopefully...

goooodnightt loves! I'll be back soon (:

Thursday, April 16, 2009

hello there .

so, I'm back once again. It's been a while hasn't it? Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll nada mas has happened ;/ I made a facebook & deleted it. It wasn't for me. it reminded me of a time of my life I just wnated to forget. Forget the horrible choices I had made. I chose the wrong people to be friends with. Made soooo many mistake, that I regret terribly. I wish I could go back in time and change it all. But thanks to Bibash, I made the right choices. I thank GOD everyday that he's in my life. Even with his stupidity. He's changed a lot since my first post. He's more caring and nice.

ANYWAYYYY! I got his first b-day gift. OBSIDIAN XII'S . He was type happy ;D

anywayyyy, here are some pics from the past few days. They have been wonderfullll. I've been out with my baby's daddy every single day and I've loved it. BTW watch "HAUNTING IN CONNECTICUT" goooooood movie!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

it's been a while.

I know it's been a while & you've missed me. So , my life has been going pretty well. Bibash's birthday is coming up in about a month. I can't wait. I love birthdays. Last year i bought him a slim white psp he had been wanting w/ insurance. The bitch doesn't even use it anymore -_- I told him to go sell it and buy something he'll use. But he refuses to do so. That bastard. Anyways. Last night I played a funny april's fool joke on him. I told him I was pregnant and he was so scared and starting panicing. It was funny. I'm just lying on my bed, having the time of my life while he's all scared. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, besides that, I need a job. But he doesn't think so -_-. He thinks I should just live off him for the rest of my life. I mean, don't get me wrong I like being spoiled by him, but i like spoiling him also. I love seeing that smile on his face.

IDK what I'm going to get him for his bday. We don't go TOO big for each others birthdays. We go big on our anniversary :] . I'm thinking I'll take him shopping. On his birthday, we'll go out to eat at olive garden (because he loves it) & have some fun at night. MUAHAHAHAHAHA. if you catch my drift :D

Bibash got his financial aid money the other week and it was 1900$. SOOO
O he gave me $200 because when he got his last check he didn't give me anything, he wanted to make up for it -_-. I didn't care. But hey, if he wants to give it then i might as well take it :D. I bought an ipod touch w| part of the money. I payed only $60 for a VNDS condition ipod touch. CONNECTIONS I TELL YA. I bought a whole bunch of other stuff. We also went shopping. OMG. was that fun. Retail therapy for me & a pain in the ass for him :D :D

I'm on a diet + I joined Lucille Roberts. It hadn't even been a week and my wallet got stolen and it had my card in it. But I plan on going there tomorrow to go get another one. I've lost 10 lbs. I'm proud of myself. I watch what I eat now and it feels good. Over spring break I'll be at the gym every morning at 10. HOLLLAAAA (: