Saturday, April 18, 2009

a lot of things

soooo, a lot of things have happened. Bibash & I argued yesterday. I over-reacted and cursed him out, oops ;/ butttt, it's his fault! ALLL OF IT I TELL YA! :D anywhoooooooo, I changed my header (:

Today was fun. I met up bibash, we went to steinwayy, shopped for a bit. Bought some things we both needed. I payed for his things since his birthday is coming up & he keeps telling me he doesn't want anything, he just wants to be able to spend time with me on his birthday -_-. So I already decided what I'm doing for his birthday.

We're going to meet-up in the morning. Around 9ish. Go to a hotel :D :D I won't say which one because I don't need you losers stalking me :D I KID I KID! Anyways. then after all that good stuff, I'm going to take him out to dinnger. Afghani Kebab because he loves it there. I was going to take him to Olive Garden, but decided against it because he'd rather have that Afghani food, which btw is very yummmyyy.

I'm procrastinating right now "/ I should be doing my essay -_____- but it's suuuuchhh a drag! Buttt I promise I shall finish it today because tomorrow I'm going to enjoy my day. It's the last day of vacay. But in a certain light, I'm looking forward to school. It should go by fast. Hopefully...

goooodnightt loves! I'll be back soon (:

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