Saturday, February 28, 2009



welllllll now back to business ! so sunday was mine & my hubby's two year anniversaryyyy (: we had funnnn, i shall not lie. this is what we did :

made some love ;)
drove to this restaurant to eat
and we ATEEEEEEEEE. yummmmmyyy. OMG the foood was sooooooooo goooood !
had some desertt ; omggg it was strawberry cheesecakeee OMGGGGGGGGGGGG (:

ok well, i loved it. even though it was simple, i L O V E D it (: it was better than our last years celebration.

anyways, yesterday me & bibs went out. he had a meetup for a pair of 15's (: everyone always asks me how i get my sneakers for so cheap, IDKKKKKK! i just look around. im not a crazy person who's gonna sell her blood just to buy a pair of sneakers for a ridiculous amount -_-

after the meetup, we were gonna go to QCM, but decided not to cause its always packed & theres never anything good there -_- ; we just decided to stick to ordering online.

i went to prima donna & found no shoes in my size -_- bitches.

anywayss ; today was a snow day! i woke up & everything not wanting to go to school because of the snow ; and then my dad calls & goes like "go back to sleep , theres no school" (: i was a happy birdie. i woulda slept all day, but ehhhss that woulda been boring, BUT i do plan on going to sleep at like 8. i would watch one tree hill & gossip girl ; BUTTTTTTTTTT of course no new episodes for a while -_- w/e. pshhh.

BUT back to the snow, it was soooo much! me & my baby buddha went out & the snow was upto my ankles :O i haven't seen that much snow in about 4 years :O. CRAZYYYYYYYY. I WAS HOPING TOMORROW WOULD BE A SNOW DAY ALSO BUT PSHHHH THAT WON'T HAPPEN !

well bibs got a iss account. i told him he'll be on it all the time now. SUCKER.

anyways ; im off to watch some iron man lmao. GOOODBYEEEE MY FELLOW BLOG BUDDIES!

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